جامعة كيلي
جامعة كيلي


جامعة كيلي  Ranking



جامعة كيلي  Location

Central England

جامعة كيلي جامعة كيلي


University Ranking




Central England


Undergraduate Global Scholarship
Scholarship Name Undergraduate Global Scholarship
Academic Year 2024
Scholarship amount £5,000
Nationality Any

The Award

Year 1

Awards of £5,000 will be awarded towards the Year 1 (Level 4) tuition fee for students who exceed published entry requirements on entry.

Year 2

If a weighted average module mark of 60-69% is achieved from the modules studied in Year 1 (Level 4), then a payment of £1,000 will be awarded towards the Year 2 (Level 5) tuition fee. If a weighted average module mark of 70% or more is achieved from the modules studied in Year 1 (Level 4), then a payment of £2,000 will be awarded towards the Year 2 (Level 5) tuition fee.

Year 3

If a weighted average module mark of 60-69% is achieved from the modules studied in Year 2 (Level 5), then a payment of £1,000 will be awarded towards the Year 3 (Level 6) tuition fee. If a weighted average module mark of 70% or more is achieved from the modules studied in Year 2 (Level 5), then a payment of £2,000 will be awarded towards the Year 3 (Level 6) tuition fee.

Year 4 (if applicable)

If a weighted average module mark of 60-69% is achieved from the modules studied in Year 3 (Level 6), then a payment of £1,000 will be awarded towards the Year 4 (Level 7) tuition fee. If a weighted average module mark of 70% or more is achieved from the modules studied in Year 3 (Level 6), then a payment of £2,000 will be awarded towards the Year 4 (Level 7) tuition fee.


Enrolled undergraduate international students who exceed the published entry requirements (as per the prospectus for the year of entry) will automatically be awarded the scholarship as a tuition fee discount.

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