جامعة لندن الملكية
جامعة لندن الملكية


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جامعة لندن الملكية


University Ranking






Women's Scholarship (Marjorie McDermott)
Scholarship Name Women's Scholarship (Marjorie McDermott)
Academic Year 2024
Scholarship Deadline 18 November 2024

Value : £1,000 in Year 1 and 2 (Undergraduates) and £7,500 in MSci, MSc or MRes

Eligibility criteria

All applications for the scholarship will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • Academic merit

  • Applicants are expected to be women

  • Intention to pursue further study in Mathematics (MSc or MSci for undergraduates and PhD for MSc students).

  • Students should be 'good citizens'. For example, applications from students who have volunteered to help other students in school with academic work, have served as a class representative, have helped organised activities/events for other students or have volunteered for a charity will be looked upon favourably

Each autumn, Year 2 women in Imperial's undergraduates mathematics programme will be invited to apply for a Marjorie McDermott Scholarship.

  • Up to two women will be awarded a scholarship through this route each year

  • Applicants are expected to have done well in their first-year exams. Typically, awardees will have earned an average of at least 70

  • Continuation of the scholarship is dependent on academic performance. To be renewed for the following year, recipients must receive an average of 60 or above in years 2 (and in year 3 if continuing on to an MSci, MSc, or MRes programme)

  • Recipients wishing to continue into the MSci programme must meet the Department's requirements for doing so

  • Recipients wishing to continue into an MRes or MSc programme offered by the Department must apply and be admitted into the relevant programme

Woman applying to any MSc or MRes offered by the Department are welcome to apply for the scholarship.

  • Up to two women will be awarded a scholarship through this route each year

  • Applicants are expected to have been awarded a First Class or equivalent undergraduate degree in Mathematics, Statistics, or a closely related field

Course specific information

Intention to pursue further study in Mathematics (MSc or MSci for undergraduates and PhD for MSc students).

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