جامعة برادفورد
جامعة برادفورد


جامعة برادفورد Ranking



جامعة برادفورد Location

North England

جامعة برادفورد


University Ranking




North England


The Global Scholar Award
Scholarship Name The Global Scholar Award
Academic Year 2024
Scholarship amount £5,000

The University is delighted to be able to offer a scholarship that will benefit all of its international students, irrespective of nationality.  

This award is for self-funding international fee-paying students that meet eligibility criteria. 


  • This scholarship is awarded on a student's nationality (not where domiciled).

  • Self-funding students.

  • New Students.

  • Students on discounted partnership programmes are not entitled to this scholarship.

  • For continuing students, the scholarship will be paid in subsequent years if progressing with an average of 60% or above.

View Eligible Countries

Afghanistan China Guinea Bissau Mayotte (French Territorial Collectivity) Sierra Leone
Aland Islands Christmas Island Guyana Mexico Singapore
Albania Cocos (Keeling) Islands Haiti Moldova, Republic of Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
Algeria Colombia Honduras Monaco Slovakia
American Samoa Comoros Hong Kong Mongolia Slovenia
Andorra Congo (Peoples Republic) Hungary Montenegro Solomon Islands
Angola Congo, Democratic Republic Iceland Montserrat Somalia
Anguilla Cook Islands India Morocco South Africa
Antigua & Barbuda Costa Rica Indonesia Mozambique South Sudan
Antilles (Netherlands) Croatia Iran Namibia Spain
Argentina Cuba Iraq Nauru Sri Lanka
Armenia Cura Ireland, the Republic of Nepal St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
Aruba Cyprus (European Union) Isle of Man (The) Netherlands St Pierre and Miquelon
Australia Cyprus (Non-European Union) Israel New Caledonia, also French Overseas Territori St.Kitts and Nevis
Austria Czech Republic Italy New Zealand St.Lucia
Azerbaijani Republic, The Denmark Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) Nicaragua St.Vincent and the Grenadines
Bahamas, The Djibouti Jamaica Niger Sudan
Bahrain Dominica Japan Nigeria Suriname
Bangladesh Dominican Republic Jersey Niue Svalbard and Jan Mayen
Barbados Timor Leste (East Timor) Jordan Norfolk Island Swaziland
Belarus Ecuador Cambodia Northern Ireland Sweden
Belgium Egypt, United Arab Republic of Kazakhstan Northern Mariana Islands Switzerland
Belize El Salvador Kenya Norway Syrian Arab Republic
Benin England Kiribati (The Gilbert Islands) Oman Taiwan
Bermuda Equatorial Guinea Korea (North), Democratic Peoples Republic of Pakistan Tajikistan
Bhutan Eritrea Korea (South), Republic of Palau Tanzania, United Republic of
Bolivia Estonia Kosovo Palestine; West Bank; Gaza Strip inc E Jerusa Thailand
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Ethiopia Kuwait Panama Togo
Bosnia And Herzegovina Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Kyrgyzstan Papua New Guinea Tokelau
Botswana Faroe Islands Laos People's Democratic Republic Paraguay Tonga
Bouvet Island Fiji Latvia Peru Trinidad & Tobago
Brazil Finland Lebanon Philippines Tunisia
British Antarctic Territories France Lesotho Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oenno Islands Türkiye
British Indian Ocean Territory French Guiana Liberia Poland Turkmenistan
British Virgin Islands French Polynesia Libya Portugal Turks & Caicos Islands
Brunei Darussalam Gabon Liechtenstein Puerto Rico Tuvalu
Burkina Faso; Also Upper Volta Gambia, The Republic of The Lithuania Qatar Uganda
Bulgaria Georgia Luxembourg Reunion Ukraine
Burundi Germany Macao (Special Administrative Region of China) Romania United Arab Emirates
Myanmar Ghana Macedonia Russia United States of America
Cameroon Gibraltar Madagascar Rwanda United States Virgin Islands
Canada Greece Malawi Samoa, Independent State of Uruguay
Cape Verde Islands Greenland Malaysia San Marino Uzbekistan
Cayman Islands Grenada Maldive Islands Sao Tome & Principe Vanuatu
Canary Islands Guadeloupe Mali Saudi Arabia Vatican City, Holy See Vatican City State
Central African Republic Guam Malta Scotland Venezuela
Chad Guatemala Martinique Senegal Vietnam
Channel Islands, not elsewhere specified Guernsey Mauritania Serbia Wales
Chile Guinea Mauritius Seychelles Wallis and Futuna
Western Sahara Windward Islands (not otherwise specified) Yemen, Republic of Zambia Zimbabwe
الاضافة الى المفضلة
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