جامعة أستون
جامعة أستون


جامعة أستون Ranking



جامعة أستون Location

Central England

جامعة أستون جامعة أستون


University Ranking




Central England


Aston Enterprise Scholarship
Scholarship Name Aston Enterprise Scholarship
Academic Year 2024
Scholarship amount 100% Reduction in Tuition Fees
Nationality Any

The Aston Enterprise Scholarship awards one full and two partial scholarships for students looking to start their own business when they graduate.

Aston University is here to help future entrepreneurs and is offering a full scholarship and two partial scholarships to students who demonstrate that they have the potential to be successful entrepreneurs in the future. These scholarships are for students who plan to study a one-year master's course beginning in September 2024.

Here for entrepreneurs

We are a university that trains business leaders, works with businesses, and researches the innovative and entrepreneurial behaviour of firms and individuals. At Aston, we want all our students to be creative and have ideas that can change the businesses or professions of their future career. The Aston Enterprise Scholarship enables us to train and support the business leaders of the future.

This award demonstrates our dedication to supporting our entrepreneurial students and new business start-ups and SMEs across the wider West Midlands region.

The winner will receive:

  • Full scholarship (100% reduction in tuition fees) for a Master's course beginning in September 2024

  • Support from Aston Enterprise, including mentorship, office space and a grant to start a business in Birmingham after they graduate

The two runners-up will both receive a partial scholarship (40% reduction in tuition fees) for a Master's course beginning in September 2024.

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